Saturday, 16 November 2013


Waiting for a new beginning. That's very interesting experience to be in between two places. Still here in Poland but so many thoughts go there, to my future homeland, beautiful and awesome Iceland. Will it be 1 year, more or less time, maybe eternity? I've learned to trust Life so there I go, following my intuition and inner silence. And there is so much positive energy in me.

I've already learnt that true happiness comes from our inner source so the wonderland will be the place wherever I choose to go. Though there I travel soon, the land of ice and fire is kindly inviting me to stay for longer. The hot springs and waterfalls need my company. Migratory birds, puffins, arctic foxes wait for an enchanted photographer's eye to witness their natural beauty. The northern lights illuminate arctic nights with bright ribbons of green and yellow to watch their spectacle. And magic starry nights whispering: 'Just reach up and touch the sky'.

Of course, there are some doubts in me, that's real challange and uncertainty. But one thing is sure, this is my  path that I need to follow. I deeply feel it's mine.

My favourite Albert Einstein's statement about miracle things in our lives says: 'There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle'. That's real happiness to me :)

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